5 Ways to Enjoy Holiday Eating Without Sabotaging Your Weight
Holiday Holiday

5 Ways to Enjoy Holiday Eating Without Sabotaging Your Weight

How many of you gorge yourself with food over the holidays with the thought that you will go on a strict diet the following day, Monday or even the next year? It's an all-or-nothing mentality that ends up making you heavier overall, less healthy, and disappointed with yourself. If you watch your weight, you know what I'm talking about! I have five tips to help you to enjoy your holiday food without sabotaging your weight or your mental state. 

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What You Don't Know About Omega-3 Fats

What You Don't Know About Omega-3 Fats

If you really understood how critical omega-3 fatty acids are to keeping your brain sharp, your heart healthy, and your mental health intact, you would make sure you and your family were eating more of them! Omega-3 fats have an important role in reducing inflammation, blood clots, and blood pressure, and are critical for learning, vision, and brain function; especially for the brain development of babies and children. Even childhood food allergies and postpartum depression are linked to a low intake of omega-3 fatty acids! We usually talk about omega-3s in conjunction with seafood, but I have a couple of non-fish suggestions that will help you get more of this incredible fatty acid in your diet. Furthermore, so you don’t get confused by tricky labels, I will clue you in on the omega-3 label language and the different kinds of omega-3s.

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Powerful Papaya

Powerful Papaya

I’m so glad that I’ve given papaya another chance. Not only can I enjoy its delicious taste, but now I can take full advantage of the wonderful health benefits. With 144% of daily value of vitamin C in one cup of papaya, along with a good dose of folate, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and choline, papaya can boost our immune system to help us fight sickness.

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Colorful Carrots

Colorful Carrots

Carrots aren't only orange. In fact, purple, red, and yellow carrots are commonly eaten around the world. We have been a little slow in America to take advantage of these inviting, rainbow-colored carrots. It's not too late to join the fun and cash in on all the different phytonutrients that these various colors offer.

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Simplified Stir-Fry Formula

Simplified Stir-Fry Formula

Stir-fry is a tasty way to eat more vegetables, but I am often asked how to make the stir-fry sauce. The trick is knowing a few key sauce ingredients, and then learning how to tweak the basic recipe to make your favorite type of stir-fry sauce like sesame, sweet & sour, or my favorite, lemon. Then you have the flexibility to combine your sauce with a variety of vegetables and protein choices. You make it easily, because I've broken it down into a few simple formulas.

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Farro: Pharaoh's Wheat

Farro: Pharaoh's Wheat

Farro is an ancient grain belonging to the wheat family.  It gave rise to durum wheat, from which pasta flour is made, and spelt, but was replaced in modern times by ordinary wheat because modern-day wheat is easier to harvest and has a higher crop yield. Yet farro has twice the fiber (5 g/serving) and protein (7 g/serving) of modern wheat. It's also high in minerals: iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc, as well as B vitamins and vitamin E.

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Sweet Potato Sensation

Sweet Potato Sensation

It seems that people either love sweet potatoes or they don’t. Given their sensational nutritional value, those who don’t immediately love them may want to give them another try. They can be kid-friendly and delicious if cooked correctly, and they are terrific roasted or baked because they begin to caramelize while cooking.

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